an aircraft's reading shows

time 8:55 at distance travelled 957km
time 9:07 at distance travelled 1083

calculate distance travelled in km
calculate the average speed of aircraft in km/h

(that is what was asked it never said total distance it said calculate distance traveled in km)

1 h = 60 min

9 h 07 mim = 8 h + 1 h + 7 min = 8 h + 60 min + 7 min = 8 h 67 min

9 h 7 min - 8 h 55 min = 8 h 67 min - 8 h 55 min = 12 min

Distance :

1083 km - 957 km = 126 km

The average speed :

1 h = 60 min

12 min = 1 / 5 h

126 / ( 1 / 5 ) = 5 * 126 = 630 km / h

To calculate the distance traveled in kilometers, you need to find the difference between the two distance readings.

Distance at 8:55 = 957 km
Distance at 9:07 = 1083 km

Distance traveled = Distance at 9:07 - Distance at 8:55
= 1083 km - 957 km
= 126 km

Therefore, the distance traveled is 126 km.

To calculate the average speed of the aircraft in kilometers per hour (km/h), you need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken.

Time at 8:55 = 8:55
Time at 9:07 = 9:07

Convert the time to minutes:
Time at 8:55 = 8 * 60 + 55 = 535 minutes
Time at 9:07 = 9 * 60 + 7 = 547 minutes

Time taken = Time at 9:07 - Time at 8:55
= 547 minutes - 535 minutes
= 12 minutes

Average speed = Distance traveled / Time taken
= 126 km / 12 minutes
= 10.5 km/min

To convert km/min to km/h:
Average speed in km/h = 10.5 km/min * 60 min/h
= 630 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of the aircraft is 630 km/h.

To calculate the distance traveled by the aircraft, you need to subtract the initial distance from the final distance. In this case, the initial distance is 957 km and the final distance is 1083 km.

Distance traveled = Final distance - Initial distance
Distance traveled = 1083 km - 957 km
Distance traveled = 126 km

Therefore, the distance traveled by the aircraft is 126 km.

To calculate the average speed of the aircraft, you need to divide the total distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, the time interval is from 8:55 to 9:07, which is 12 minutes or 0.2 hours.

Average speed = Distance traveled / Time taken
Average speed = 126 km / 0.2 hours
Average speed = 630 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of the aircraft is 630 km/h.