solve the word problem (rates per kg)

1) Mary buys 7 kg peaches,and 5 kg bananas . what is the totala cost?
2)Sarah buys 1kg apple for herself and another 1 kg grapes for her brother . she also buys 2 kg peaches . what is the total cost?

I suspect you have not posted the part of the question which is general to many question, namely the unit cost of different items.

Our baseball team lost 9 games this season. This was 3/8 of all they played. How many games did they play this season?

i think that elsia is right because she sayd it was

To solve these word problems involving rates per kg, we need to know the cost per kilogram (rate) of each item.

Let's assume the rates per kg are as follows:
- Peaches: $x per kg
- Bananas: $y per kg
- Apples: $z per kg
- Grapes: $w per kg

1) To find the total cost of 7 kg of peaches and 5 kg of bananas:

First, we need to know the total cost of peaches:
Total cost of peaches = 7 kg * $x per kg

Next, we need to find the total cost of bananas:
Total cost of bananas = 5 kg * $y per kg

Finally, to find the total cost:
Total cost = Total cost of peaches + Total cost of bananas

2) To find the total cost of 1 kg of apples, 1 kg of grapes, and 2 kg of peaches:

First, we calculate the cost of the apples:
Cost of apples = 1 kg * $z per kg

Next, we calculate the cost of the grapes:
Cost of grapes = 1 kg * $w per kg

Finally, we calculate the cost of the peaches:
Cost of peaches = 2 kg * $x per kg

To find the total cost:
Total cost = Cost of apples + Cost of grapes + Cost of peaches

Keep in mind that the rates per kilogram will usually be given in the problem or should be provided separately.