The following expression represents the value of which variable in the solution of the system of equations below?

|2 -1 1|
|1 2 6|
|3 -1 2|
|2 -1 -2|
|1 2 3|
|3 -1 -1|


A. Z
B. Y
C. X

You replace the third column in the NUMERATOR determinant with the right hand side, NOT THE DENOMINATOR to get the third variable, Z. Therefore you got 1/Z

Here is a link to Cramer's rule:

To solve the system of equations, we can use the method of matrix inversion. The system of equations can be represented in matrix form as AX = B, where A is the coefficient matrix, X is the variable matrix, and B is the constant matrix.

First, let's represent the system of equations in matrix form:
|2 -1 1| |X| |-2|
|1 2 6| |Y| | 3|
|3 -1 2| * |Z| = |-1|

To find the variable matrix X, we need to find the inverse of the coefficient matrix A. In other words, we need to find A^(-1) such that A^(-1) * A = I, where I is the identity matrix.

Calculating the inverse of A, we get:
|4/23 3/23 -9/23|
|-10/23 5/23 17/23|
|13/46 -1/46 1/46|

Now, we can find the variable matrix X by multiplying both sides of the equation AX = B by A^(-1):
A^(-1) * AX = A^(-1) * B
X = A^(-1) * B

Calculating X, we get:
|X| |4/23 3/23 -9/23| |-2|
|Y| = |-10/23 5/23 17/23| * | 3|
|Z| |13/46 -1/46 1/46| |-1|

Simplifying the expression for X, we have:
X = (4/23)(-2) + (3/23)(3) + (-9/23)(-1)
X = -8/23 + 9/23 + 9/23
X = 10/23

Similarly, simplifying for Y and Z, we have:
Y = (-10/23)(-2) + (5/23)(3) + (17/23)(-1)
Y = 20/23 + 15/23 - 17/23
Y = 18/23

Z = (13/46)(-2) + (-1/46)(3) + (1/46)(-1)
Z = -26/46 - 3/46 - 1/46
Z = -30/46
Z = -15/23

Therefore, the values of the variables X, Y, and Z in the solution of the system of equations are:
X = 10/23
Y = 18/23
Z = -15/23

The expression |X| represents the value of the variable X in the solution. Therefore, the answer is C. X.