chandni purchased some parrots.20%flew away and 5% died.of the remaining 45% were 33 parrot many parrot Chandni purchased.

I will assume that 20% of the original, and 5% of the original.

let the number he had be n
so now he has 75% of x left or 3x/4
of those he sold 45%, leaving him with 55% of the remaining

(55/100)(3x/4) = 33
times 400
165x = 13200
x = 13200/165 = 80

Why is it 55/100*3/4x

To find out how many parrots Chandni purchased, let's break down the given information step by step:

1. Chandni purchased some parrots.
2. 20% flew away. This means 80% of the parrots remained.
3. Of the remaining parrots, 5% died. So, 80% - 5% = 75% of the parrots remained.
4. Now, it is given that 45% of the parrots were sold. So, 75% - 45% = 30% of the parrots remained.
5. Finally, it is mentioned that 33 parrots remain, which is equal to 30%.

To calculate the total number of parrots purchased by Chandni, we need to find out what 100% represents in terms of the remaining 30%. We can set up a proportion to solve for the total number of parrots:

30% (remaining parrots) corresponds to 33 parrots
100% (total parrots) corresponds to X (unknown number of parrots)

So, we can set up the following proportion:

(30/100) = (33/X)

Next, we can cross-multiply and solve for X:

30X = 100 * 33
30X = 3300
X = 3300/30
X = 110

Therefore, Chandni purchased a total of 110 parrots.


How its 55%
