i need to know the mathematical model for finding the cooling of a hot liquid. and what the letters mean.

pls help


what does the nth term mean

To find the mathematical model for the cooling of a hot liquid, we can use Newton's Law of Cooling. The equation is given as:

T(t) = T0 + (T1 - T0) * e^(-kt)

In this equation:
- T(t) represents the temperature of the liquid at time t
- T0 is the initial temperature of the liquid
- T1 is the ambient temperature
- k is the cooling constant, which depends on the properties of the liquid and the conditions of the surroundings (e.g., medium, insulation, etc.)
- e is Euler's number (approximately 2.71828), a mathematical constant

By using this mathematical model and inputting the appropriate values for T0, T1, and k, you can calculate the temperature of the liquid at any given time t.