A storage area measures 15.6 feet by 10.2 feet by 8.5 feet. If it is 1/3 full, how many cubic feet of storage space remains (rounded to the nearest cubic foot)?

2/3 (15.6 * 10.2 * 8.5) = ?

1476.75 cubic ft

To find out how many cubic feet of storage space remains, we first need to calculate the total volume of the storage area and then subtract the volume that is already filled.

The formula to calculate the volume of a rectangular prism is:
Volume = Length × Width × Height

Length = 15.6 feet
Width = 10.2 feet
Height = 8.5 feet

To calculate the total volume of the storage area, we use the formula as follows:
Total Volume = 15.6 feet × 10.2 feet × 8.5 feet

Total Volume = 1,280.8 cubic feet

Now, we need to find out the volume that is already filled. We are told that the storage area is 1/3 full. Since 1/3 of the storage area is filled, we can calculate the filled volume as follows:
Filled Volume = (1/3) × Total Volume

Filled Volume = (1/3) × 1,280.8 cubic feet

Filled Volume = 426.93333... cubic feet (approximately)

Now, to find the remaining volume, we subtract the filled volume from the total volume:
Remaining Volume = Total Volume - Filled Volume

Remaining Volume = 1,280.8 cubic feet - 426.93333... cubic feet

Remaining Volume = 853.8666... cubic feet (approximately)

Rounded to the nearest cubic foot, the remaining volume of storage space is 854 cubic feet.