An architect plans to draw a rectangular patio with segment LM representing one side of the rectangle. He wants to construct a line passing through Q and parallel to side LM. He uses a straightedge and compass to complete some steps of the construction as shown.

Which of these is likely to be his next step in constructing the parallel line

This website blows

And you are no help either Arianna.

You’re 6 years too late

To construct a parallel line passing through point Q and parallel to segment LM, the architect would use a compass and follow these steps:

1. Place the compass at point L and set its width to a distance greater than half the length of segment LM.
2. Draw an arc that intersects segment LM at two points, let's call them P and R.
3. Without changing the compass width, place the compass at point Q and draw two arcs, one intersecting the arc drawn in step 2 at point S and the other intersecting segment LM at point T.
4. With a straightedge, draw a line passing through points Q and S. This line will be parallel to segment LM.

So, based on the given steps shown in the diagram, the architect's next step would likely be to draw the line passing through points Q and S to create the parallel line.

You were literally no help Chandler. I am doing this assignment. The answer is

" Without changing the width and position of the compass, draw an arc between L and M "
for anyone that needs it (: