Input a list of positive numbers (terminated by 0) into an array, find the mean (average) of the numbers in the array, and output the result. Use a subprogram to input the numbers, a function to find the mean, and a subprogram to output the result.

A car taken an average of 3 hours to reach a distance of 280 kilometers write a C program that will input a distance in meters and output how much time it will reach its destination

To accomplish the given task, you would need to write a program in a programming language of your choice. Here's an example solution written in Python:

def input_numbers():
numbers = []
while True:
num = int(input("Enter a positive number (enter 0 to terminate): "))
if num == 0:
return numbers

def find_mean(numbers):
total = sum(numbers)
mean = total / len(numbers)
return mean

def output_result(result):
print("The mean of the numbers is:", result)

# Main program
number_list = input_numbers()
mean_value = find_mean(number_list)

Let's break down the program into the required subprograms and function:

1. `input_numbers()`: This subprogram prompts the user to input positive numbers (terminated by 0) and stores them in a list named `numbers`. It continuously takes input until the user enters 0, and then returns `numbers` as the resulting list.

2. `find_mean(numbers)`: This function takes the list of numbers as an argument and calculates the mean value by summing up all the numbers in the list and dividing it by the length of the list. It returns the mean value.

3. `output_result(result)`: This subprogram takes the calculated mean value as an argument and outputs it to the console.

In the main program, we call these subprograms accordingly:
- The `input_numbers()` subprogram is called to collect the list of numbers from the user.
- The `find_mean(numbers)` function is then called, passing the list of numbers, to calculate the mean value.
- Finally, the `output_result(result)` subprogram is called to display the mean value to the user.

Note: In the example solution, we assume that the user will input valid positive numbers. You may consider adding error handling or validation checks as per your requirements.