in the Treaty of Versailles, which nation’s approach best reflects a sincere desire to prevent another war, the policies of the United States or the policies of France? Why?

France wanted to exact harsh punishment on Germany, while the U.S. embraced a more moderate path to preventing another war.

thanks! this helped sooo much

You're very welcome.

To determine whether the policies of the United States or France in the Treaty of Versailles best reflect a sincere desire to prevent another war, we need to examine the specific approaches of each country.

To answer this question, we can look into historical records or consult reputable sources that provide insights into the intentions behind each nation's policies during the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles.

1. Researching the policies of the United States:
a. Start by searching for reputable sources such as history textbooks, scholarly articles, or official government records. Focus on the role of the U.S. delegation led by President Woodrow Wilson.
b. Analyze Wilson's Fourteen Points, which aimed to secure a lasting peace and prevent future conflicts. Evaluate the extent to which the United States' policies in the treaty align with these principles.
c. Consider how the United States advocated for the creation of the League of Nations, a multinational organization aimed at maintaining peace through collective security. Examine their commitment to multilateral diplomacy and international cooperation.

2. Researching the policies of France:
a. Utilize similar tactics to find reputable sources on France's approach, focusing on key figures such as Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau.
b. Investigate French demands for imposing significant reparations on Germany and securing territorial gains to weaken their potential for future aggression.
c. Assess France's stance on disarmament, as its policies in this area will give insights into its commitment to preventing future conflicts.

By analyzing these factors, you can form an objective opinion on which nation's approach in the Treaty of Versailles better reflects a sincere desire to prevent another war: the United States or France.

It is important to remember that historical interpretations can vary, so it is helpful to consult multiple reputable sources and consider different perspectives to get a comprehensive understanding.