Gladys is a 25-year-old Vietnamese stay-at-home mother who has been married for 7 years and has three children by her husband. They are all girls with the oldest being 6 years old followed by a 4-year old and now a 3-month old. Gladys reports that her husband always wanted a son. She states that he has always been an angry man but after the birth of their third daughter, his violent behavior has increased. Gladys states that most of his violence and aggression has been directed at her or the house all these years, but now she fears for her daughters’ lives. “He’s out of control,” she says during the interview, “I don’t know what to do.”

Gladys’ family lives in Vietnam and her husband has no family connections. Gladys reports that her husband pays all the bills and the only money she receives is a small weekly allowance for food and supplies for her and the girls.
Case Analysis:

Identify and give examples of three techniques you would use to explore Gladys' story. Your examples should be worded as if you are actually speaking to the client.

What goals would you want to identify for Gladys, based on the information available? Explain why you chose those goals and how you think they will help meet the client's needs.

Please note that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over what YOU THINK and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think.

Gladys strengths includes her desire to see help concerning the spousal abuse she receives at the hands of her husband and the fear she has for her children

Technique 1: Open-Ended Questions

Client: Gladys, can you please tell me more about your husband's violent behavior? How frequently does it occur and what triggers it?

Technique 2: Reflective Listening
Client: Gladys, it seems like you are feeling overwhelmed and scared for the safety of your daughters. Is that accurate?

Technique 3: Summarizing and Validation
Client: So, if I understand correctly, your husband has always wanted a son and his violent behavior towards you has increased after the birth of your third daughter. It sounds like you're unsure of what steps to take. Is that right?

Goals for Gladys:
1. Ensure immediate safety: Given the escalating violence, the primary goal should be to ensure Gladys and her daughters are in a safe environment. This may involve exploring options such as finding a temporary shelter or seeking assistance from a local domestic violence organization.

2. Plan for financial independence: As Gladys mentioned that her husband controls all the finances, it is crucial to identify resources and strategies to become financially independent. This might involve connecting with organizations that provide financial literacy training or exploring part-time job opportunities to build her skills and income.

3. Develop a support network: Isolating Gladys from her family and support system is a common tactic in abusive relationships. Establishing a network of trusted friends, family, or support groups can provide emotional support, guidance, and resources as she navigates this difficult situation.

These goals were chosen to address Gladys' immediate safety concerns, empower her to break free from financial dependency, and provide her with the emotional support she needs to take action. By working towards these goals, Gladys can begin to assert her agency and take steps towards creating a safer and more stable environment for herself and her children.