

is this an example of inductive or deductive reasoning. I believe it is deductive because it's proven

I agree.

You're on the right track! The example you provided demonstrates and follows a specific pattern. By observing this pattern, you can make predictions and draw conclusions about future cases.

The given sequence is:

Using this information, we can make a generalization that the sum of the first n odd numbers results in a square number. For example, the sum of the first 4 odd numbers (1+3+5+7) is 16, which is equal to 4^2.

Now, to determine whether this is an example of inductive or deductive reasoning:

- Deductive reasoning involves reaching specific conclusions based on general principles or known facts. In this case, you have identified a pattern and applied it to all cases. Since you were able to prove that the sum of the first n odd numbers results in a square number, you are using deductive reasoning.

So, your conclusion is correct! This example is indeed an application of deductive reasoning because you have proven the pattern and made a conclusive statement based on that evidence.