in 2000, In a country A, the average family net worth was &270,000, and there were about 6.3 x 10^7 families. Calculate the total family net worth in Country A in 2000.

What is the Country A's total family net worth ?

You must be having an identity crisis. You've posted several similar problems -- all under different names.

Please use the same name for your posts.

mmmm.. I didn't think names matter since there is nothing post on this website about having the same name for each post. Unless I missed it but it will be nice if you can you me where that is at so next time my self and everyone else will know about name posting.

missed couple of words, but I know you will understand it.

To calculate the total family net worth in Country A in 2000, you need to multiply the average family net worth by the number of families.

Average family net worth = $270,000
Number of families = 6.3 x 10^7

To find the total family net worth, you can use the equation:
Total family net worth = Average family net worth * Number of families

Plugging in the given values:
Total family net worth = $270,000 * 6.3 x 10^7

To multiply a number by a power of 10, you need to move the decimal point to the right as many times as the exponent. In this case, the exponent is 7, so you need to move the decimal point 7 places to the right:

Total family net worth = $270,000 * 63,000,000

Now, you can multiply the numbers:

Total family net worth = 17,010,000,000,000,000

Therefore, the total family net worth in Country A in 2000 is $17,010,000,000,000,000.