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Aristotle developed a theory of persuasion by which there are three ways a speaker can persuade an audience.
Ethos is the idea that an audience can be persuaded by a speaker's personal attributes, reputation, background, accomplishments, etc.
Pathos is the idea that a speaker can persuade an audience by connecting with them on a personal level through skillful rhetoric.
Logos is the idea that an audience can be persuaded by information and arguments.
Describe a situation where it would be best to use one of these theories and defend your answer.

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One situation where it would be best to use the theory of ethos is in a job interview. In a job interview, the candidate is trying to persuade the interviewer that they are the best fit for the position. By emphasizing their personal attributes, qualifications, and accomplishments, the candidate can build credibility and establish trust with the interviewer. This can be done by highlighting relevant experience, education, certifications, and any noteworthy achievements. Additionally, the candidate can also mention any positive feedback or testimonials from previous employers or colleagues to strengthen their ethos. Employing ethos in a job interview can help the candidate stand out and create a positive impression, increasing their chances of being selected for the position.

To defend this answer, it is important to recognize that job interviews are not solely based on qualifications and skills. Interviewers are often looking for candidates who not only have the necessary competencies but also possess qualities that align with the company culture and values. Employing ethos helps candidates demonstrate their personal attributes and reputation, thus showcasing their potential as a good cultural fit. By focusing on ethos in a job interview, candidates can effectively convince the interviewer of their worthiness for the position beyond just facts and figures.

To establish ethos in a job interview, candidates can always prepare in advance. They should research the company, understand the role they are applying for, and identify the key attributes and skills that would be most relevant. By doing so, they can tailor their responses to highlight their personal attributes and accomplishments that align with the position and the organization. Additionally, it is essential to communicate confidently, maintain eye contact, and show enthusiasm and passion for the role. All these factors contribute to building a strong ethos and increase the likelihood of success in a job interview.