Determine the following AU(CUB)

More info needed.

start by finding C and B then find CUB

To determine the equivalent of AU(CUB), we need to know the current exchange rate between the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Cuban peso (CUP).

Step 1: Find the Exchange Rate
Search for "AUD to CUP exchange rate" on a search engine or financial website. This will provide you with the current exchange rate.

Step 2: Convert AU(CUB) to AUD
If AU(CUB) represents a certain amount of Cuban pesos, you need to divide that amount by the exchange rate to get the equivalent in Australian dollars. For example, if AU(CUB) is 1000 CUP and the exchange rate is 0.04, you would divide 1000 by 0.04 to get 25 AUD.

Keep in mind that exchange rates fluctuate constantly, so it's important to check for the most up-to-date rate before making any conversions.