One light flashes every 2 minutes and another light flashes every 3.5 minutes. Suppose both lights flash together at noon. What is the first time after 1 PM that both lights will flash together ?

every 14 minutes, the lights are in synch. 14*5 = 70 is the lowest multiple of 14 greater than 60.

So, at 1:10 pm they are again together.

no, because they started in synch at 12:00. 70 minutes later it's 1:10.


I didn't understand it

It makes sense

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1:10 PM

Because the lowest common muliple of 3.5 and 2 is 14. So the largest muliple larger than 60 (1 hour) would be 70. So 12:00 plus 70 mins would be 1:10 PM

Glad I could help you! Do you have any other questions?

Shut up

isnt it every 14 minutes meaning at 1:14pm not 1:10pm. Because

3.5, 7, 10.5, 14
so they will meet again in every 14 minutes