How do i find the wavenelgth of blue light?

or a radio wave or gamma ray?

Wavelength λ =c/f,

where c= 3•10^8 m/s;
reference data – frequency
f=(6.31–6.68) •10^14 Hz - blue light;
f= 3•10^16 Hz - 3•10^19 Hz – X-rays;
f = 3• 10^11 – 3•10^3 Hz - radio-waves.

thanks, but where are you getting the frequencies from?

To find the wavelength of blue light, you can use the equation:

wavelength = speed of light / frequency

Blue light has a frequency range of approximately 610-670 terahertz (THz) or 610-670 x 10^12 Hertz (Hz).

The speed of light is a constant, approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second (m/s).

1. Convert the frequency of blue light to Hertz if necessary.
2. Use the equation mentioned above to calculate the wavelength by dividing the speed of light by the frequency.

For example, if the frequency of blue light is 650 THz:

wavelength = (3 x 10^8 m/s) / (650 x 10^12 Hz)

Simplifying the equation gives:

wavelength = 4.615 x 10^-7 meters or approximately 461.5 nanometers (nm)