A stockholder solder her shares and made a profit of $1,408. If that is a profit of 24%, how much were her shares when she originally purchased them?

To calculate the original price of the shares, we can use the formula:

Profit = Original Price × Percentage Profit

Given that the profit is $1,408 and the percentage profit is 24%, we can plug these values into the formula:

$1,408 = Original Price × 0.24

To find the original price, we divide both sides of the equation by 0.24:

Original Price = $1,408 / 0.24

Calculating this, we find:

Original Price = $5,866.67

To determine the original price of the shares, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the original price of the shares is represented as x dollars.

We know that the profit made by selling the shares is $1,408, which is 24% of the original price. To calculate the profit amount, we can use the formula:

Profit = Original Price * Percentage

So in this case, we have:

$1,408 = x * 0.24

To solve this equation for x (the original price), we need to isolate x on one side of the equation.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.24:

$1,408 / 0.24 = x

This gives us:

$5,866.67 = x

Therefore, the original price of the shares was approximately $5,866.67.

1.24x = 1,408

x = 1,408/1.24

x = 1,135.48