for my birthday, i asked for an MP3 player, but instead, my parents got me a telescope. When I finished my dinner, I went in my room to try it out. When I looked through it, I could see a girl that looked just like me but bigger and older. for a moment, i sat down and thought. then i realized that the telescope tells my future.

(i sorta need help with my story)

That's a great start. Now, imagine yourself in the future. Dream! :-) You may find the questions I asked in your earlier post helpful.

It sounds like you have an interesting story idea! If you want some help in developing it further, I can give you a few suggestions and prompts.

1. Explore the unexpected gift: As your character initially wanted an MP3 player but received a telescope instead, you can delve into their feelings and initial disappointment. They may even feel resentful towards their parents for not getting what they asked for.

2. Establish the discovery: The moment your character looks through the telescope and sees a girl who resembles them, but older and bigger, marks a significant turning point in the story. This could be the beginning of a thrilling and mysterious adventure for your character.

3. Unveiling the power of the telescope: Once your character realizes that the telescope can predict their future, they may go through a range of emotions, such as curiosity, excitement, or even fear. This discovery can serve as the central conflict or driving force for the story.

4. Developing the character's decision: Your character's next steps become crucial. Do they embrace this newfound ability to glimpse into the future? Or do they become obsessed with it, leading to potential consequences? Consider the choices your character might make and how these choices will shape the story.

5. Introduce other characters: As your character explores the power of the telescope, you can introduce other characters who could impact their journey. These characters could include friends, family members, or even a mysterious individual who knows more about the telescope's abilities.

Remember, storytelling is a creative process, so feel free to incorporate these suggestions or modify them according to your vision for the story. You can also build upon these ideas to add depth and complexity to your plot and characters.