Renee has a research paper due in three days. She has set aside two hours to complete this task. What is wrong with this study goal?

A. The time she has allotted is not realistic.

B. The goal is not concrete and specific.

C. It is not significant and can’t be rewarded.

D. All of the above.

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what is wrong with this study goal?

A. A the goal is not concrete and specific

The correct answer is D. All of the above.

A. The time Renee has allotted is not realistic. Writing a research paper usually takes more than just two hours. Researching, organizing thoughts, drafting, and editing all take time. Setting a realistic deadline is important to ensure that Renee can complete her research paper to the best of her ability.

B. The goal is not concrete and specific. Renee's goal of "completing the research paper" is too vague. A more specific goal would be to finish researching and outlining the main points of the paper, or completing a certain number of pages or sections.

C. It is not significant and can't be rewarded. While completing a research paper is an important task, setting a goal that is considered significant and rewarding can help to motivate Renee. For example, setting a goal to finish the paper early and allowing time for revisions and feedback from a professor.

By addressing all of these issues, Renee can set a more effective study goal and increase her chances of successfully completing her research paper on time.