evaluate rounding to 2 decimal places if neccessary

a) 1n5 = 1.61
b) lne^2 = 2
c) (lne)^2 = 1

please let me know if these are correct, thank you.

All correct!

thank you!

You're welcome!

To evaluate rounding to 2 decimal places if necessary, you can follow these steps:

1. Look at the decimal number and identify the third decimal place.
2. If the third decimal place is 5 or greater, round the number up. If it is less than 5, round the number down.
3. If rounding up occurs, increase the second decimal place by 1. If rounding down occurs, keep the second decimal place as it is.

a) 1n5 = 1.61
To evaluate rounding 1.61 to 2 decimal places:
The third decimal place is 1, which is less than 5.
So, there is no need to round the number. Therefore, 1n5 is correct.

b) lne^2 = 2
To evaluate rounding ln(e^2) to 2 decimal places:
ln(e^2) is equivalent to ln(2.71828^2), which simplifies to ln(7.38906).
The third decimal place is 9, which is greater than 5.
So, rounding is necessary.
Increasing the second decimal place by 1, the number becomes ln(7.39).
Therefore, lne^2 is not correct; it should be lne^2 = 7.39

c) (lne)^2 = 1
To evaluate rounding (ln(e))^2 to 2 decimal places:
(ln(e))^2 simplifies to (1)^2, which is equal to 1.
There is no decimal part in the result, and 1 is already rounded to 2 decimal places.
Therefore, (ln(e))^2 is correct with the rounded value of 1.

Based on the above evaluations and rounding rules, the correct statements are:
a) 1n5 = 1.61
b) lne^2 = 7.39
c) (lne)^2 = 1