translate these sentences-: 1 i am not free. 2 good bye i'll see you later. 3 hello how are you? 4 don't disturb me, let me study. 5 may you please give me this book.

1. §Ú¨S¦³ªÅ


1. ÎÒû¿Õ

3. ÄãºÃð£¿
4. ±ð´òÈÅÎÒ£¬ÈÃÎÒѧϰ°É
5. ÇëÎÊÄã¿ÉÒÔ¸øÎÒÕâ±¾Êéð£¿

To translate these sentences, you can use various online translation tools or language learning platforms. Here are a few examples on how to translate these sentences from English to another language:

1. "I am not free."
- Translation: "Je ne suis pas libre" (in French).
To translate this sentence, you can use translation websites, such as Google Translate, or language learning apps like Duolingo.

2. "Goodbye, I'll see you later."
- Translation: "Adiós, te veré más tarde" (in Spanish).
To translate this sentence, you can again use translation websites or language learning platforms.

3. "Hello, how are you?"
- Translation: "Bonjour, comment vas-tu?" (in French).
This sentence can be translated similarly using translation tools.

4. "Don't disturb me, let me study."
- Translation: "Não me incomode, deixe-me estudar" (in Portuguese).
For translating this sentence, you can use online translators or language learning apps.

5. "May you please give me this book?"
- Translation: "Could you please give me this book?" (in English).
Since this sentence is already in English, there is no need for translation. However, you can find alternative ways to express the sentence by using synonyms or different wordings.

Remember, translations may vary depending on the target language, and it's always good to double-check the accuracy of translations from multiple sources.