Suppose the modiefied quota is 5.37. Find the lower quotas and the upper quotas. Find the arithmetic means of the lower and upper quotas. Find the geometric means of the lower and the upper quotas. Round the given modified quotas by comparing it with the geometric means.

To find the lower and upper quotas, you need to consider the integer values closest to 5.37.

Lower quota: The lower quota will be the largest integer less than or equal to 5.37. In this case, the lower quota would be 5.

Upper quota: The upper quota will be the smallest integer greater than or equal to 5.37. In this case, the upper quota would be 6.

Arithmetic mean: The arithmetic mean is calculated by adding the lower and upper quotas and dividing by 2. So, (5 + 6) / 2 = 5.5 is the arithmetic mean of the lower and upper quotas.

Geometric mean: The geometric mean is calculated by taking the square root of the product of the lower and upper quotas. So, the geometric mean would be √(5 * 6) = √30 ≈ 5.48.

Rounding: Comparing the modified quota of 5.37 with the geometric mean of 5.48, we can round it to the nearest integer. Since 5.37 is closer to 5 than 6, the rounded value would be 5.

So, the lower quota is 5, the upper quota is 6, the arithmetic mean is 5.5, the geometric mean is 5.48, and the rounded modified quota is 5.