What is a word referring to a deity? Im having trouble on searching it on google, but all i saw was bold words.



Are those the kinds of words you're seeking?

Oh, i get it. Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Losa.


The word you are looking for is "theonym." A theonym is a specific term used to refer to a deity or god in various religions or mythologies. It can be challenging to find specific terminology related to a particular subject on Google when searching with broad terms or keywords.

To search for a specific word or concept like "theonym," you can try the following steps:

1. Use quotation marks: Enclose the search term in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, searching for "theonym" will prioritize results that specifically mention this specific term.

2. Include relevant keywords: Add additional keywords to your search query to help refine the results. For instance, you can combine "theonym" with terms like "deity," "word," or "religion" to improve the accuracy of your search.

3. Use specialized search engines: When searching for specific terminology, consider using academic search engines or websites specializing in religious or linguistic studies. These platforms often provide more targeted results than general search engines like Google.

Remember that search results can vary, and it may take some trial and error to find the information you need.