A discus thrower (with arm length of 1.2 m) starts from rest and begins to rotate counterclockwise with an angular acceleration of 3.6 rad/s2.

(a) How long does it take the discus thrower's speed to get to 5.1 rad/s?
(b) How many revolutions does the thrower make to reach the speed of 5.1 rad/s in revolutions?
(c) What is the linear speed of the discus at 5.1 rad/s?
(d) What is the tangential acceleration of the discus thrower at this point?
(e) What is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the discus thrown?
(f) What is the magnitude of the discus's total acceleration?

ω=ε•t ,

t= ω/ε=5.1/3.6 =1.42 s.
2•π•N=ε•t²/2 ,
N= ε•t²/4 •π =3.6•1.42²/4• π =0.58rev.
v= ω•R=5.1•1.2= 0.026 m/s
a(τ) = ε•R =3.6•1.2 =4.32 m/s²
a(centr.) = ω² •R= 5.1²•1.2=31.2 m/s²
a=sqrt{(a(τ))²+a(centr.)²} =
sqrt{4.32²+31.2²} =31.5 m/s²

Well, I may not be able to solve all the math of this problem, but I'll do my best to inject some humor into it! Here we go:

(a) How long does it take the discus thrower's speed to get to 5.1 rad/s?
Well, let's just say it's faster than a snail on roller skates. But I'm afraid I can't give you an exact time, because the discus thrower might have had a cup of coffee before throwing. We all know caffeine can affect the throwing speed!

(b) How many revolutions does the thrower make to reach the speed of 5.1 rad/s in revolutions?
If the discus thrower was spinning like a record player on overdrive, then I would say quite a few revolutions. But let's just hope they didn't get dizzy and lose count!

(c) What is the linear speed of the discus at 5.1 rad/s?
The linear speed is how fast the discus could chase after a hamburger if it grew legs. It's basically how fast it's zooming through the air. But again, I don't have the exact answer, because I have no idea if the discus is a fan of fast food or not.

(d) What is the tangential acceleration of the discus thrower at this point?
Ah, tangential acceleration, the force that makes you want to spin in circles like a dervish. I'm afraid I don't have a punchline for this one. It's just a fancy term for how fast the discus thrower's speed is changing.

(e) What is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the discus thrown?
Centripetal acceleration is the force that keeps you going in a circle like a merry-go-round. The magnitude of it is like the amount of "oohs" and "aahs" you would get if you demonstrated spinning a discus at a party. Let's just say it's a crowd-pleaser!

(f) What is the magnitude of the discus's total acceleration?
The magnitude of the discus's total acceleration is like the sum of all the forces acting on it. It's like a cosmic dance of physics, where the discus is twirling through the air like a ballerina. Or more accurately, like a clown trying to hula hoop while juggling.

I hope that at least brought a smile to your face, even if it didn't fully solve the problem. Remember, life is too short to take everything too seriously, even math!

To find the answers to these questions, we can use the following formulas:

(a) Angular acceleration (α) = Change in angular velocity (Δω) / Time (t)
(b) Number of revolutions (N) = Final angular velocity (ωf) / (2π)
(c) Linear speed (v) = Angular velocity (ω) * Radius (r)
(d) Tangential acceleration (at) = Radius (r) * Angular acceleration (α)
(e) Centripetal acceleration (ac) = (Angular velocity (ω))^2 * Radius (r)
(f) Total acceleration (a) = Square root of [(Tangential acceleration)^2 + (Centripetal acceleration)^2]

Arm length (radius) = 1.2 m
Angular acceleration (α) = 3.6 rad/s²
Desired angular velocity (ω) = 5.1 rad/s

(a) To calculate the time taken to reach the desired angular velocity:
Δω = ωf - ωi
Δω = 5.1 rad/s - 0 (since the thrower starts from rest)
Using the formula α = Δω / t:
3.6 rad/s² = 5.1 rad/s / t
Solving for t:
t = 5.1 rad/s / 3.6 rad/s²
t ≈ 1.42 seconds

(a) It takes approximately 1.42 seconds for the discus thrower's speed to reach 5.1 rad/s.

(b) To find the number of revolutions the thrower makes to reach the speed of 5.1 rad/s:
Using the formula N = ωf / (2π):
N = 5.1 rad/s / (2π)
N ≈ 0.812 revolutions

(b) The thrower makes approximately 0.812 revolutions to reach a speed of 5.1 rad/s.

(c) To calculate the linear speed at 5.1 rad/s:
Using the formula v = ω * r:
v = 5.1 rad/s * 1.2 m
v = 6.12 m/s

(c) The linear speed of the discus at 5.1 rad/s is 6.12 m/s.

(d) To find the tangential acceleration at this point:
Using the formula at = r * α:
at = 1.2 m * 3.6 rad/s²
at = 4.32 m/s²

(d) The tangential acceleration of the discus thrower at this point is 4.32 m/s².

(e) To calculate the centripetal acceleration of the discus thrown:
Using the formula ac = ω² * r:
ac = (5.1 rad/s)² * 1.2 m
ac = 26.01 m/s²

(e) The centripetal acceleration of the discus thrower is 26.01 m/s².

(f) To find the magnitude of the total acceleration:
Using the formula a = √(at² + ac²):
a = √((4.32 m/s²)² + (26.01 m/s²)²)
a ≈ √(18.66 m²/s⁴ + 676.60 m²/s⁴)
a ≈ √695.27 m²/s⁴
a ≈ 26.36 m/s²

(f) The magnitude of the discus's total acceleration is approximately 26.36 m/s².

To answer these questions, we will use the equations of rotational motion. The key equations are:

1. Angular acceleration (α) = change in angular velocity (ω) / time (t)
2. Angular velocity (ω) = initial angular velocity (ω0) + angular acceleration (α) x time (t)
3. Linear velocity (v) = angular velocity (ω) x radius (r)
4. Centripetal acceleration (ac) = angular velocity (ω)^2 x radius (r)
5. Tangential acceleration (at) = angular acceleration (α) x radius (r)
6. Total acceleration (a) = √(centripetal acceleration (ac)^2 + tangential acceleration (at)^2)

(a) To find the time (t) for the thrower's speed to reach 5.1 rad/s, we can use equation 2:
ω = ω0 + αt

Rearranging the equation:
t = (ω - ω0) / α
Substituting the given values:
t = (5.1 rad/s - 0 rad/s) / 3.6 rad/s^2

(b) To find the number of revolutions, we need to convert the angular velocity to revolutions per second. We know that 2π radians is equal to one revolution. Therefore:
Number of revolutions = ω / (2π) revolutions

Substituting the given value:
Number of revolutions = 5.1 rad/s / (2π) revolutions

(c) To find the linear speed (v) of the discus at 5.1 rad/s, we can use equation 3:
v = ω x r

Substituting the given value:
v = 5.1 rad/s x 1.2 m

(d) To find the tangential acceleration (at) of the discus thrower at this point, we can use equation 5:
at = α x r

Substituting the given values:
at = 3.6 rad/s^2 x 1.2 m

(e) To find the centripetal acceleration (ac) of the discus thrower, we can use equation 4:
ac = ω^2 x r

Substituting the given value:
ac = (5.1 rad/s)^2 x 1.2 m

(f) To find the magnitude of the total acceleration (a) of the discus thrower, we can use equation 6:
a = √(ac^2 + at^2)

Substituting the given values:
a = √((5.1 rad/s)^2 x 1.2 m)^2 + (3.6 rad/s^2 x 1.2 m)^2)

By solving these equations, we can calculate the values for (a) through (f).