Explain how to

graph the inequality m < 3 on a number line

To graph the inequality m < 3 on a number line, follow these steps:

1. Draw a horizontal number line labeled with appropriate numbers or tick marks.
2. Locate the number 3 on the number line. Mark it with a circle.
3. Since the inequality is m < 3, the number 3 is not included in the solution set. Therefore, leave the circle open.
4. Decide on which direction to shade the number line based on the inequality. In this case, since m is less than 3, shade the line to the left of the circle.
5. Extend the shaded region from the circle to the left end of the number line to indicate all the possible values of m that satisfy the given inequality.

This graph visually represents the solution set of m < 3 on the number line, where any value to the left of 3 is a valid solution.