William, Joseph, Margaret, Frank, and Jeffrey all work for the same company. Frank has been there the longest, eleven years and makes the most money, three times as much as Jeffrey. Margaret has been there the second longest and makes $50,000 a year. Joseph has worked there four years less than Frank and one year more than William. He makes $60,000 a year. William’s pay is twice as much as Margaret’s. Jeffrey has worked there three years less than William and his income is three-quarters of Margaret’s. How much is Frank's annual salary?

Just write down the given data

Margaret = 50000
Joseph = 60000
Jeffrey = (3/4)(50000) = 37500
Frank = 3(37500) = 112500

To find Frank's annual salary, let's analyze the information given step by step:

1. Frank has been working at the company the longest, 11 years.
2. Jeffrey's salary is three times as much as Jeffrey's. Let's call Jeffrey's salary J.
So, Frank's salary is 3J.
3. Margaret has been working at the company the second longest and makes $50,000 a year.
4. Joseph has worked four years less than Frank and one year more than William.
Let's call William's salary W. Joseph's salary is W - 1.
5. Joseph's salary is $60,000 a year.
So, W - 1 = $60,000 -> W = $61,000.
6. William's salary is twice as much as Margaret's.
William's salary is 2 * $50,000 = $100,000.
7. Jeffrey has worked there three years less than William.
Let's call Jeffrey's salary J. Jeffrey's tenure is 11 - 3 = 8 years.
8. Jeffrey's income is three-quarters of Margaret's.
This means J = (3/4) * $50,000 -> J = $37,500.

Now that we have determined all the other salaries, we can calculate Frank's salary:

Frank's salary is 3 times Jeffrey's salary.
Frank's salary = 3 * $37,500 = $112,500.

Therefore, Frank's annual salary is $112,500.

To solve this problem, we can start by organizing the information given:

1. Frank has been there the longest, eleven years.
2. Frank's income is three times as much as Jeffrey.
3. Margaret has been there the second longest and makes $50,000 a year.
4. Joseph has worked there four years less than Frank.
5. Joseph has worked there one year more than William.
6. Joseph makes $60,000 a year.
7. William’s pay is twice as much as Margaret’s.
8. Jeffrey has worked there three years less than William.
9. Jeffrey's income is three-quarters of Margaret’s.

Let's define the variables for each person's income:
- Frank's income: F
- Jeffrey's income: J
- Margaret's income: M
- Joseph's income: Jt
- William's income: W

We can now write equations based on the given information:

1. F = 11J
2. M = $50,000
3. Jt = F - 4
4. Jt = W + 1
5. Jt = $60,000
6. W = 2M
7. J = 0.75M
8. J = W - 3

Now, let's solve the equations step-by-step:

From equations 5 and 6:
$60,000 = W + 1
W = $60,000 - 1
W = $59,999

From equation 4:
Jt = $59,999 + 1
Jt = $60,000

From equation 7:
J = 0.75M
$60,000 = 0.75M
M = $60,000 / 0.75
M = $80,000

From equation 8:
J = W - 3
J = $59,999 - 3
J = $59,996

From equation 2:
M = $50,000

From equation 6:
W = 2M
W = 2($50,000)
W = $100,000

From equation 1:
F = 11J
F = 11($59,996)
F ≈ $659,956

Therefore, Frank's annual salary is approximately $659,956.