could you explain how to use perfect infinitive correctly in eng language

There's a chart here with basic explanations of different infinitive and gerund forms. Remember that perfect forms use 'have' for the most part :

to have run (the race)
to have taken part in the performance

to + have + [verb form]

This can also be passive: 'to have been chosen'

Be sure to read through other sections, especially the one with the blue button below this.

Certainly! The perfect infinitive is used in English to express an action that happened before the main verb. It consists of the word "to" followed by the past participle of a verb. Here's how to use it correctly:

1. Identify the main verb: First, you need to identify the main verb of the sentence, which describes the primary action.

2. Determine the past action: Next, think about an action that happened before the main verb. This could be an action that finished in the past or an ongoing action that started in the past.

3. Use "to" + past participle: Construct the perfect infinitive by adding "to" and the past participle of the verb related to the past action.

4. Place the perfect infinitive in the sentence: Finally, place the perfect infinitive phrase in the appropriate position in the sentence to show the relationship to the main verb.


Main verb: "She wanted"

Past action: "finish her book"

Perfect infinitive: "to have finished"

Combined sentence: "She wanted to have finished her book."

In this example, the main verb is "wanted," and the past action is "finish her book." By using the perfect infinitive "to have finished" before the main verb, we show that the completion of her book happened before her desire to finish it.

Remember that not every sentence requires the use of the perfect infinitive. It is used when there is a need to express a particular sequence of actions or when describing a past action in relation to the main verb.