rising action definition



thank you! :)

btw --- i got accepted to the NJHS, tonight was our ceremony (i got an award) :)

You're welcome! And congratulations!!

The rising action is a term used in literature, specifically in the context of a narrative or plot. It refers to the series of events or conflicts that build tension, increase suspense, and lead to the climax of a story. The rising action typically occurs after the exposition (introduction of characters, setting, and conflict) and before the climax (the most intense point of the story).

To understand the concept of rising action, you can follow these steps:

1. Read or review the story: To identify the rising action, you need to have a clear understanding of the plot and the events that occur in the story. Read or review the text, paying attention to the sequence of events and the conflicts that arise.

2. Look for conflicts and complications: Rising action often involves conflicts and complications that arise from the initial conflict introduced in the exposition. These conflicts can be external (such as a physical battle or an argument) or internal (such as a character's internal struggle or dilemma). Keep an eye out for these conflicts as they contribute to the rising action.

3. Identify the buildup of tension: The rising action is characterized by a steady increase in tension and suspense. It often includes a series of events that escalate the conflict, introduce new obstacles, and further complicate the situation for the characters. Look for moments in the story where the stakes are raised and the tension continues to rise.

4. Recognize the progression towards the climax: As you analyze the story, observe how the rising action progresses towards the climax. The rising action creates a sense of anticipation, building up to the most intense and crucial point of the story. The climax is typically the turning point where the conflict reaches its peak.

By following these steps and analyzing the events and conflicts in the story, you should be able to identify and understand the concept of rising action.