Solve for x.


x = approx 114, but I don't understand how to get that answer. Can anyone help me solve? Thank you!

x^3 means "x cubed". If you know that, then find x by taking the cube root, or the 1/3 power.

x^3 = 8889 / .006 = 1481500
1481500^(1/3) = 113.99887

Thank you!

To solve for x in the equation .006x^3 = 8889, you first need to isolate x on one side of the equation. Here's how to solve it step by step:

1. Begin by dividing both sides of the equation by .006 to isolate x:
.006x^3 / .006 = 8889 / .006
This simplifies to:
x^3 = 1,481,500

2. To solve for x^3, take the cube root of both sides:
(x^3)^(1/3) = (1,481,500)^(1/3)
This simplifies to:
x = 114.029

Now you can round the answer to x = 114 since the decimal portion is negligible in this case. Therefore, x is approximately 114.

To verify the answer, substitute x = 114 back into the original equation. You should get approximately 8889 on both sides of the equation, confirming that x = 114 is the solution.