do anyone see movie "the notebook"? i not get what in the opening scene the sunset and water represent.

Yes, many people have seen the movie "The Notebook." In the opening scene of the movie, the sunset and water represent the themes of love, passion, and the passage of time.

To better understand the symbolism in the opening scene, you can analyze the following elements:

1. Sunset: The sunset often symbolizes the end of something, such as the end of a day or, metaphorically, the end of one's life. In the context of "The Notebook," the sunset may represent the end of a long and eventful life, as the story is framed as a flashback.

2. Water: Water is often associated with emotions and the subconscious mind. It can represent the depth of emotions, the flow of time, and the fluidity of life. In the context of "The Notebook," the water may symbolize the emotional journey and the passage of time throughout the film.

By combining these symbols, the opening scene of "The Notebook" presents a visual metaphor for the overarching theme of the story: a love that endures and transcends time.

Remember that interpretations of symbols can vary, and this is just one possible explanation. It's also essential to consider other elements of the movie, such as the characters, dialogue, and plot, to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of the film's message.