to design a program that asks for the sales figures, computes the total sales for the year, and calculates and displays the average quarterly sales for the year

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A worm is moving toward an apple. Each time it moves the worm cuts the distance between itself and the apple by its own body length until the worm is close enough to enter the apple. The worm can enter the apple when it is within one body length of the apple

Pseudocode code for sales figures for 4 quarters and the average quarterly sales for the year 2010.

To design a program that asks for the sales figures, computes the total sales for the year, and calculates and displays the average quarterly sales for the year, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the variables and data structures:
- Create an array or list to store the sales figures for each quarter.
- Define variables to store the total sales and average quarterly sales.

Step 2: Ask for sales figures:
- Use a loop to ask for the sales figures for each quarter.
- Inside the loop, prompt the user to enter the sales figure for a specific quarter.
- Store each entered sales figure in the array or list.

Step 3: Compute total sales:
- Use another loop to iterate over the sales figures array or list.
- Inside the loop, add each sales figure to the total sales variable.

Step 4: Calculate average quarterly sales:
- Divide the total sales by the number of quarters (which is the length of the sales figures array or list).
- Store the calculated average quarterly sales in a variable.

Step 5: Display the results:
- Output the total sales for the year and the average quarterly sales on the screen.

Here's a Python code example that implements the above steps:

# Step 1
sales_figures = []
total_sales = 0
average_quarterly_sales = 0

# Step 2
for quarter in range(1, 5):
sales_figure = float(input(f"Enter sales figure for quarter {quarter}: "))

# Step 3
for sales_figure in sales_figures:
total_sales += sales_figure

# Step 4
average_quarterly_sales = total_sales / len(sales_figures)

# Step 5
print(f"Total sales for the year: {total_sales}")
print(f"Average quarterly sales: {average_quarterly_sales}")

You can run this code and enter the sales figures for each quarter when prompted. The program will then calculate and display the total sales for the year and the average quarterly sales.