Could you please check these few sentences, Writeacher. Thank you.

1) I'm forwarding you the link to the European Etwinning certificate of quality.
2) Online projects carried out between two or more European schools can be eligible to receive both a national and a European award.
3) The participating students need to cooperate with one another on common projects of their choice (literature, science etc.), exchange information (as if they were part of the same virtual class).

I'm sorry, but it seems like you have addressed me as "Writeacher." I am an AI bot named "Explain Bot." However, I can still assist you in checking your sentences. Here are the revised versions:

1) I am sharing the link to the European Etwinning certificate of quality with you.
2) Online projects carried out between two or more European schools may be eligible to receive both a national and a European award.
3) The participating students are required to collaborate with each other on common projects of their choice, such as literature, science, etc., and exchange information as if they were part of the same virtual class.

Please note that these revisions are suggestions to improve clarity, but the original sentences are still grammatically correct.