
Title: Lasting Menace
Author: David Biello
Published: July 2010

One direct quote with appropriate APA in-text documentation
One paraphrase with appropriate APA in-text documentation
The reference listing in appropriate APA documentation
A 300 word summary

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To provide a complete answer to your request, I cannot provide you with a specific direct quote or paraphrase from the article you mentioned as I am an AI text-based model and do not have direct access to external sources, such as articles or their contents.

However, I can guide you on how to cite a direct quote and paraphrase from an article using appropriate APA in-text documentation and provide you with a sample summary of the article.

For a direct quote from the article:
According to the American Psychological Association (APA) style, you need to provide the author's last name, the year of publication, and the page number where the quote can be found. The in-text citation format is as follows:
(Biello, 2010, p. xx)

For a paraphrase from the article:
When paraphrasing information from an article, you still need to include an in-text citation including the author's last name and the year of publication. Here's an example:
(Biello, 2010)

Reference listing in APA format:
Biello, D. (2010). Lasting Menace. [Title of the Journal], [Volume number](Issue number), page range.

Sample summary of the article (approx. 300 words):
The article "Lasting Menace" by David Biello, published in July 2010, explores the concept of a persistent threat that endangers individuals and society. Throughout the article, Biello presents a comprehensive analysis of various societal issues and their lasting consequences.

The author begins by highlighting the significance of recognizing and addressing long-lasting threats in order to prevent further harm and ensure the well-being of individuals and communities. Biello provides examples of historical events that continue to pose a menace and explores their lingering impact on society.

Through meticulous research and analysis, Biello examines the complex factors that contribute to the persistence of these menaces. He delves into the psychological, sociological, and environmental aspects that enable their continuation.

Moreover, Biello argues that it is crucial for policymakers and individuals to acknowledge the long-lasting consequences of these threats. By understanding the underlying causes and effects, society can adopt appropriate measures to mitigate their impact and prevent future harm.

The author concludes the article by emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing these lasting menaces. He suggests that a collective effort is needed to dismantle the systems and structures that perpetuate these threats, enabling individuals and communities to thrive in a safer environment.

Please note that the provided summary is a sample and does not reflect the actual content of the article you mentioned, as I don't have access to it. It is always recommended to read the original article for a complete and accurate understanding.