which religion is found in japan only?

a. confucianism
b. buddhism
c. catholism
d. shintoism
my answer is b

Please read your text carefully. Neither of your answers is correct.

The question is asking which religion is not found in any other country but Japan.


ernest you are garabge

You are correct, the religion that is found in Japan only is Shintoism (option D).

To arrive at this answer, let's go through the options one by one:

a. Confucianism: Confucianism is not exclusive to Japan. It originated in ancient China and has influenced many countries in East Asia, including Japan.

b. Buddhism: While Buddhism is an important religion in Japan, it is not unique to Japan. Buddhism originated in ancient India and spread throughout many parts of Asia, including Japan.

c. Catholicism: Catholicism is not limited to Japan either. It is a branch of Christianity that is practiced globally.

d. Shintoism: Shintoism is the indigenous religion of Japan. It is deeply rooted in Japanese culture and history and focuses on the worship of various gods, spirits, and natural elements.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. Shintoism.

its c then cause all they talk about is buddhism and shintoism

all of you are wrong its d