Can anyone help me find a short story that parallels my life?

I have project where i need to find a short story that is parallel to my life. The short story needs to be British, Scottish, Welsh or Irish. I've looked through countless of short stories but i couldn't find anything.
This is straight from the assignment

"Your task is to select a British, Irish, Scottish or Welsh short story that, in many ways, parallels events in your life and is indeed a “slice of life,” a tale,” or “a sketch.” This task will be accomplished in several ways:

Address the theme, basic situation, complications, climax, resolution, characters and any other literary devices that you see in the selection.
How do some of these elements parallel events in your life?
How can you represent these parallels?"

If anyone could explain that to me because i found

I don't know of any offhand, but here's my suggestion: Look through these different search results and see if you can find one.,mod=15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=welsh+short+stories,mod=15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=irish+short+stories,mod=15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=british+short+stories,mod=15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=scottish+short+stories

Finding a short story that parallels your life can be an interesting and personal endeavor. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you in your search:

1. Start by brainstorming significant events or experiences in your life. Think about key themes, situations, challenges, or relationships that have shaped who you are. Make a list of these elements.

2. Research British, Scottish, Welsh, or Irish short stories. Look into reputable literary anthologies, online databases, or collections of short stories that focus on these regions. You can visit your local library or use online resources like Project Gutenberg, JSTOR, or even online bookstores.

3. Keep your list of personal elements in mind as you read through summaries or synopses of various short stories. Look for stories that contain themes, settings, and characters that resonate with your own experiences. Pay attention to the basic situation, complications, climax, resolution, and key literary devices mentioned in the assignment prompt.

4. Read the selected short stories that catch your interest. As you read, think about how the elements of the story parallel events in your own life. Consider the similarities in themes, situations, character arcs, and conflicts.

5. Take notes on the parallels you find. Analyze how the story's themes, characters, or literary devices mirror your own experiences. For example, if a short story explores the theme of identity and you have had a similar experience, note down the specific ways in which the story depicts this theme and how it aligns with your own journey.

6. Reflect on the assignment prompt and consider how you can represent these parallels in your project. Think about the specific elements you identified and how they can be incorporated into your analysis. You might compare and contrast your personal experiences with those of the characters, discussing the similarities and differences, or even create a visual representation, such as a chart or diagram, to illustrate the parallels.

Remember that the goal of this assignment is to explore the connections between your own life and a chosen short story. It's okay if you don't find an exact parallel; the focus is on analyzing how various elements in the story relate to your own experiences. Good luck with your search and project!