Find the Degree Measure of the angle between the vectors.


your two vectors are the same, so the angle between them is 0

check your typing.

Haha, right, thanks.

To find the degree measure of the angle between two vectors, U and V, you can use the dot product formula and inverse cosine (arccos) function. Here's how:

1. Start by calculating the dot product of U and V. The dot product (U · V) of two vectors U = (Ux, Uy) and V = (Vx, Vy) is given by:

U · V = Ux * Vx + Uy * Vy

In this case:
U = -4i + 4j = (-4, 4)
V = -4i + 4j = (-4, 4)

So, calculate the dot product:
U · V = -4 * -4 + 4 * 4 = 16 + 16 = 32

2. Next, calculate the magnitudes (or lengths) of the vectors U and V. The magnitude (or length) of a vector (x, y) is given by:

|U| = √(Ux^2 + Uy^2)

For U = (-4, 4):
|U| = √((-4)^2 + 4^2) = √(16 + 16) = √32 = 4√2

For V = (-4, 4):
|V| = √((-4)^2 + 4^2) = √(16 + 16) = √32 = 4√2

3. Now, substitute the previously calculated values into the formula for the angle between two vectors:

cos θ = (U · V) / (|U| * |V|)

Using the dot product and magnitudes calculated earlier:
cos θ = 32 / (4√2 * 4√2) = 32 / (4 * 2 * 4) = 32 / 32 = 1

4. Finally, find the inverse cosine (arccos) of the result to get the angle measure in radians:

θ = arccos(1) = 0 radians

To convert from radians to degrees, multiply by 180/π (approximately 57.2958):

θ = 0 * (180/π) = 0 degrees

Therefore, the degree measure of the angle between the vectors U = -4i + 4j and V = -4i + 4j is 0 degrees.