are retail investors or traders permitted to naked short a stock? Who is permitted to naked short a stock assuming there has been no suspension of this practice. following the sec suspension of naked shorting post june 2008 did other nations follw this practice if no why if so list a few

Retail investors or traders are generally not permitted to naked short a stock. Naked short selling refers to the practice of selling a stock without actually borrowing or owning it. However, the rules and regulations regarding naked short selling vary from country to country.

In the United States, for example, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has implemented regulations that restrict or prohibit naked short selling, especially after the financial crisis in 2008. As a result, retail investors and traders are not allowed to engage in naked short selling.

In other nations, the rules may be different. Some countries may have similar restrictions on naked short selling, while others may have more lenient regulations or no specific regulations at all. It's important to understand and comply with the rules of the specific country in which you are trading.

Following the SEC's suspension of naked short selling in June 2008, other nations did not necessarily follow this practice uniformly. Each country has its own regulatory framework and approaches naked short selling differently. Some countries may have implemented similar restrictions, while others may not have found it necessary to suspend or restrict naked short selling. It would be best to research the regulations specific to each country to determine their stance on naked short selling post-2008.