1. Call me at 010-1234-1234, and you can also visit our website at ccc.house.ccc.

2. Call me at my home phone. The number is 010-1234-1234. You can also open the website, ccc. house.ccc.

(Would you check the two writings, please. Thank you.)

Both sets of sentences are fine.

Sure! I can help you check the two writings.

1. The first one seems to have an error. The website address "ccc.house.ccc" appears to have an extra dot in the middle. It should be "ccc.houseccc" without the extra dot. It should look like this: "Call me at 010-1234-1234, and you can also visit our website at ccc.houseccc."

2. The second one seems to have a similar error. The website address "ccc. house. ccc" also has extra spaces between the words. It should be "ccc.houseccc" without the spaces. Additionally, the sentence structure could be improved. It could be written as, "Call me at my home phone number, 010-1234-1234. You can also visit our website at ccc.houseccc."

I hope that clarifies the corrections! Let me know if you have any more questions.