Writeacher, I urgently need to check this part regarding a scientific topic. I hope you can help me. Here is the first part.

1) In 1951 an American woman descended from African slaves freed named Henrietta Lacks, was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. In those years, scientists has long tried unsuccessfully to grow human cells in the laboratory to carry out body searches of physiology and trials of new drugs that would never have been able to carry on living being.
2)Inevitably, the cells did not develop , because they still do not know exactly what nutrients they require, or became infected, or at least they proved too weak to grow.
3) This woman was diagnosed with cervical cancer from which the doctors carried off by some cells. Although the tumor was removed, the woman died the same year at the age of thirty.
4) But the cells of her cancer did not die with her. The doctors realized that these cells had some unique features never seen before.
5) First, these cells had an altered set of chromosomes; they possessed more than eighty chromosomes for the presence of an abnormal number of pairs of chromosomes 12, 6, 8, and 17.

You verbs do not match the subjects, and often are in the wrong tense. See highlighted:

1) In 1951 an American woman descended from African slaves freed named Henrietta Lacks, was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. In those years, scientists hadhas long tried unsuccessfully to grow human cells in the laboratory to carry out body searches of physiology ? and trials of new drugs that would never had have been able to carry on living being. what does her race, and heritage have to do with your essay?
2)Inevitably, the cells did not develop , because they still do not know exactly what nutrients they require, or became infected, or at least they proved too weak to grow.
3) This woman was diagnosed with cervical cancer from which the doctors carried off by? some cells. Although the tumor was removed, the woman died the same year at the age of thirty.
4) But the cells of her cancer did not die with her. The doctors realized that these cells had some unique features never seen before.
5) First, these cells had an altered set of chromosomes; they possessed more than eighty chromosomes for the presence of an abnormal number of pairs of chromosomes 12, 6, 8, and 17.

Your sentences are often long and fragmented. You try to use commas or semicolons to tie it up. Recheck those

1) To fact-check the information regarding the history of Henrietta Lacks and her contribution to scientific research, you can begin by conducting a search using reputable sources. Some reliable sources for scientific topics include peer-reviewed journal articles, academic databases, and scientific publications.

2) Start by researching the history of Henrietta Lacks and her involvement with Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. You can look for articles or books that specifically discuss her case and the events surrounding it. Be sure to focus on sources that provide factual information and are written by experts in the field.

3) Look for sources that discuss the attempts made by scientists to grow human cells in the laboratory at that time. Check if there were indeed difficulties in growing human cells due to a lack of knowledge about the required nutrients or the cells becoming infected. Look for sources that provide evidence or details about these challenges faced by scientists.

4) Explore the circumstances around Henrietta Lacks' diagnosis of cervical cancer and the subsequent removal of cells from her tumor. Verify whether her death occurred in the same year when the cells were removed and if she was indeed thirty years old at that time.

5) Investigate the unique features of her cancer cells mentioned in the text, such as the altered set of chromosomes and the abnormal number of pairs of chromosomes 12, 6, 8, and 17. Look for scientific studies or publications that confirm these characteristics and provide more detailed information about them.

By conducting thorough research using reliable sources, you can fact-check the information presented in the text and gain a better understanding of Henrietta Lacks' contribution to scientific research.