You are writing to a reader who favors a different solution than the one you recommend. Which of the following is MOST likely to persuade the reader?

A. Describe your reader's solution first, explain why it won't work, and then go on to describe your own solution.

B. Ignore your opponent's solution and just concentrate on your own.

C. Describe your own solution first. Then briefly say why your reader's idea won't work.

D. Go back and forth between solutions, contrasting step by step.

I think it is A

You may be right, but check your text materials for D.

You are correct. Option A, which involves describing the reader's favored solution first, explaining why it won't work, and then presenting your own solution, is the most likely to persuade the reader. By acknowledging and addressing their preferred solution, you show that you have considered it and provide a logical explanation for why it is not viable. This approach demonstrates that you have taken the time to understand their perspective while also presenting your own solution as the more effective option.

You are correct! Option A, which involves describing your reader's solution first, explaining why it won't work, and then presenting your own solution, is the most likely to persuade the reader who favors a different solution.

By acknowledging and discussing your reader's solution first, you show respect for their perspective and build rapport. Then, when you explain why their solution won't work, you provide a logical and evidence-based argument to support your claim. Finally, by presenting your own solution after debunking their idea, you have the opportunity to effectively showcase the benefits and advantages of your recommended solution. This approach demonstrates that you have thoroughly considered both options and provides a more persuasive and balanced argument overall.