convert fraction to percent

48/4 (4/4) =?%

48/4 (4/4) = 12 = 1200%

let me know this is right i am so lost

11/25(4/4) i got 25% is that right


Divide 11 by 25.

11/25 = 0.44

Multiply by 100.

0.44 = 44%

Btw -- I'm not sure why (4/4) is in each problem. 4/4 = 1. Any number multiplied by 1 is still the same number.

ok so is 20/32 62.8%

I get 62.5%

ok what is this one 21/50=?% i ended up with 2.38095 so is that 2.3%?

What do you get when you divide 21 by 50?