2. In the last stanza of "Tableau", the boys

a. angrily confront the adults of the town
b. happily continue walking
c. sadly go their separate ways
d. speak to each other loudly

3. Which of the following quotations from "The River Merchant's Wife" is the BEST example of an objective correlative?
a. "And I will come out to meet you"
b. "The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead"
c. "At sixteen you departed"
d. "Please let me know beforehand"

4. The jar in "Anecdote of the Jar" can be seen as a metaphor for
a. the slovenly wilderness of Tennessee
b. the crushing boredom of nature
c. humanity's interaction with nature
d. humanity's love of wilderness areas

5. The use of apostrophe in "Chicago"
a. shows possession
b. reveals the speaker's anxiety
c. makes the poem confusing
d. gives the poem immediacy


Your first four are right. Check this site to understand the meaning of "apostrophe" in poetry.


I still don't see how it's any other answer than A..

Your answers for questions 2, 3, 4, and 5 are correct!

2. In the last stanza of "Tableau," the boys happily continue walking.
3. The quotation "The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead" from "The River Merchant's Wife" is the best example of an objective correlative.
4. In "Anecdote of the Jar," the jar can be seen as a metaphor for humanity's interaction with nature.
5. The use of apostrophe in "Chicago" shows possession.

Well done! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

For question 2, the correct answer is b. happily continue walking. To determine the answer, you would need to read the last stanza of the poem "Tableau" and find the line or lines that indicate the boys' demeanor. In this case, the lines in the last stanza suggest that the boys continue walking cheerfully or happily.

For question 3, the correct answer is b. "The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead." An objective correlative refers to a concrete object, action, or situation that represents or corresponds to a particular emotion or state of mind. In "The River Merchant's Wife," this quotation describes the monkeys making sorrowful noise, which can be seen as an objective correlative representing the speaker's sorrow and longing.

For question 4, the correct answer is c. humanity's interaction with nature. In "Anecdote of the Jar," the jar can be seen as a metaphor for humanity's impact on nature and the way it structures and contains it.

For question 5, the correct answer is d. gives the poem immediacy. Apostrophe refers to addressing or speaking to an absent or nonhuman figure. In "Chicago," the use of apostrophe helps create a sense of immediacy by directly addressing and personifying the city of Chicago.