Write a program that will ask the user to enter a person's age, weight and birth month. Your program will compare the entered value to the following and print the appropriate response. Be sure to use modules.

The secret answers: age=25

The comparison: if the guessed age less than or equal to 25

The printed response: Congratulations, the age is 25 or less.

The secret answer: weight= 128

The comparison= If the guessed weight is greater that or equal to 128

The printed response: Congratulations, the weight is 128 or more

The secret answer: birthMonth = 'April'

The comparison: if the guessed month is equal to April

The printed response: Congratulations, the birth month is April

This program to be written in Python and Raptor


Here is how you can write the program in Python:

# Ask the user to enter age
age = int(input("Enter a person's age: "))

# Compare the entered age to the secret answer
if age <= 25:
print("Congratulations, the age is 25 or less.")

# Ask the user to enter weight
weight = int(input("Enter a person's weight: "))

# Compare the entered weight to the secret answer
if weight >= 128:
print("Congratulations, the weight is 128 or more.")

# Ask the user to enter birth month
birth_month = input("Enter a person's birth month: ")

# Compare the entered birth month to the secret answer
if birth_month.lower() == 'april':
print("Congratulations, the birth month is April.")

And here is how you can write the program in Raptor, using flowcharts:

input age
if age <= 25 then
output "Congratulations, the age is 25 or less."
end if

input weight
if weight >= 128 then
output "Congratulations, the weight is 128 or more."
end if

input birthMonth
if birthMonth equals 'April' then
output "Congratulations, the birth month is April."
end if

Both versions of the program will ask the user for the age, weight, and birth month, compare the entered values to the secret answers, and print the appropriate response based on the comparisons.

Sorry but the right thing to do is pay attention in class.