plz solve factor trinomial


(a + 8) x (a +2)

To check this, you can use FOIL

(a + 8) x (a +2)
(a x a)+(8a) +(2a) + (8 x 2)
a^2 + (8 + 2)a + 16
a^2 + 10a + 16

To factor the trinomial a^2 + 10a + 16, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Check if there is a common factor.
In this case, there is no common factor among the three terms.

Step 2: Look for a pair of numbers that multiply to give you the constant term (16) and add up to the coefficient of the middle term (10).
For a^2 + 10a + 16, the numbers that satisfy this condition are 2 and 8. This is because 2 * 8 = 16 and 2 + 8 = 10.

Step 3: Rewrite the middle term using the pair of numbers from Step 2.
The trinomial can be written as:
a^2 + 2a + 8a + 16

Step 4: Group the terms and factor by grouping.
Rearrange the terms by grouping the first two terms and the last two terms:
(a^2 + 2a) + (8a + 16)

Step 5: Factor out the common factors from each group.
Factor out "a" from the first group and "8" from the second group:
a(a + 2) + 8(a + 2)

Step 6: Factor out the common binomial factor.
Both groups now have a common factor of (a + 2). Factor it out:
(a + 2)(a + 8)

Therefore, the factored form of the trinomial a^2 + 10a + 16 is (a + 2)(a + 8).