Important major achievements of the sumerians civilization?

Anyone Could Help Me Please

The development of written language.

Thank You

Of course! I'll be happy to help you with your question. The Sumerian civilization, one of the earliest civilizations in human history, made several significant achievements. Here are some of the major accomplishments of the Sumerians:

1. Invention of Writing: The Sumerians are credited with creating the world's first writing system, called cuneiform. It involved using wedge-shaped characters on clay tablets. This advancement in writing helped in recording accounts, laws, poems, and stories.

To find more information about the invention of writing, you can search for "Sumerian writing system" or "cuneiform."

2. Development of Agriculture: The Sumerians were adept at agriculture and built an extensive irrigation system to support their crops. This allowed them to grow surplus food and sustain a growing population.

To learn more about Sumerian agriculture, you can search for "Sumerian agriculture" or "irrigation systems of Sumerians."

3. City-States and Civilization: The Sumerians established the first known city-states, which were independent political entities. These city-states included Uruk, Ur, and Lagash, among others. They had centralized governments, infrastructure, and organized economies, setting the stage for urban civilization.

To find more about Sumerian city-states and civilization, you can search for "Sumerian city-states" or "Sumerian civilization."

4. Mathematics and Astronomy: The Sumerians made significant mathematical advancements, such as inventing the sexagesimal system (base-60) for measuring time and angles. They were also skilled in astronomy and developed a lunar calendar.

To explore more about Sumerian mathematics and astronomy, you can search for "Sumerian mathematics" or "Sumerian astronomy."

5. Trade and Commerce: The Sumerians were active traders and played a vital role in connecting different civilizations in the region. They established trade routes and engaged in a wide range of commerce, utilizing the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

To learn more about Sumerian trade and commerce, you can search for "Sumerian trade" or "Sumerian commerce."

These are just a few of the major achievements of the Sumerian civilization. By delving into the suggested topics and conducting further research, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their accomplishments.