What liquid substances have an index of refraction of 1.42? and then 1.43?

Index of refraction is related to density. You can make any solution, vary the concentration of the solute, and vary the index of refraction. Here it is for sugar solution;Sugar concentration (%) Index of refraction

0 1.3330
5 1.3403
10 1.3479
15 1.3557
20 1.3639
25 1.3723
30 1.3811
35 1.3902
40 1.3997
45 1.4096
50 1.4200
55 1.4307
60 1.4418
65 1.4532
70 1.4651
75 1.4774
80 1.4901
85 1.5033

To find which liquid substances have an index of refraction of 1.42 or 1.43, we can consult a database or refer to reliable sources. One such source is the "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics." However, as an AI text-based assistant, I do not have direct access to external databases. Instead, I can guide you on how to search for this information using the CRC Handbook or reputable online resources.

Here's what you can do:

1. Online Search: Use search engines like Google or specialized scientific databases to find a list of liquids with a refractive index of 1.42 or 1.43.
For example, you can search for "liquids with refractive index 1.42" or "liquids with refractive index 1.43." Look for reliable sources such as scientific journals, academic research papers, or reputable chemistry websites.

2. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: If you have access to the CRC Handbook, you can use it to find liquids with specific refractive indices. Open the book and navigate to the section that discusses properties of different substances. Look for the specific refractive indices of interest (1.42 or 1.43) and check if any liquids are listed with the corresponding values.

Remember to cross-reference the information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.