A spring with spring constant 20.0N/m hangs from the ceiling. A 590g ball is attached to the spring and allowed to come to rest. It is then pulled down 7.10cm and released.

What is the time constant if the ball's amplitude has decreased to 2.40cm after 58.0 oscillations?

To find the time constant, we first need to find the damping factor (β).

The formula for the damping factor (β) is given by:

β = (1 / 2π) * (1 / T)

where T is the time period.

The time period (T) is the time taken for one complete oscillation and can be calculated using the formula:

T = 2π * √(m / k)

where m is the mass of the ball and k is the spring constant.

Spring constant (k) = 20.0 N/m
Mass of the ball (m) = 0.590 kg

Let's calculate the damping factor (β) first:

T = 2π * √(m / k)
= 2π * √(0.590 kg / 20.0 N/m)
≈ 2.7667 s

β = (1 / 2π) * (1 / T)
= (1 / 2π) * (1 / 2.7667 s)
≈ 0.0906 s^(-1)

Now, to find the time constant (τ), we can use the formula:

τ = 1 / β

τ = 1 / 0.0906 s^(-1)
≈ 11.02 s

Therefore, the time constant is approximately 11.02 seconds.

To find the time constant, we first need to calculate the damping coefficient (b) using the formula:

b = (m * g) / (2 * π * f)

m = mass of the ball
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2)
f = frequency of oscillation

First, let's calculate the frequency (f) using the formula for the period (T):

T = 1 / f

The period (T) can be found by dividing the time (58.0 oscillations) by the number of oscillations:

T = time / number of oscillations

Now, let's find the frequency (f):

f = 1 / T

After finding the frequency, we can substitute the values of mass (m = 0.590 kg), acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.8 m/s^2), and the frequency (f) into the formula for the damping coefficient (b):

b = (0.590 kg * 9.8 m/s^2) / (2 * π * f)

Once we have the damping coefficient (b), we can calculate the time constant (τ) using the formula:

τ = 1 / b

Substituting the value of the damping coefficient (b) into the formula for the time constant (τ), we can find the value.


First calculate the period of oscillation.

P = 2*pi*sqrt(M/k) = 1.079 seconds
58.0 oscillations = 62.6 seconds

Amplitude = Ao*e(-t/T)
T is the time constant.
Use the 58 oscillation data point.
2.4/7.1 = 0.338 = e^(-62.6/T)
Solve for T
-1.085 = -62.6/T
T = 57.7 seconds