I need a source card for Edgar Allen Poe on the poem Annabel Lee


To create a source card for a poem by Edgar Allen Poe, such as "Annabel Lee," you would typically follow a specific format based on the citation style you are using. For the purpose of this explanation, let's assume you are using the MLA (Modern Language Association) citation style. Here's an example of how you can create a source card for a poem by Edgar Allen Poe:

Author: Poe, Edgar Allen
Title: "Annabel Lee"
Publication Date: 1849
Container Title: The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Publisher: Vintage Books
Location: New York

Here's a breakdown of the elements and how to find them:

1. Author: The name of the author is Poe, Edgar Allen.

2. Title: The poem is titled "Annabel Lee."

3. Publication Date: The poem was published in 1849.

4. Container Title: The container title is The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. This signifies the larger work or collection where the poem can be found.

5. Publisher: The publisher of The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe is Vintage Books.

6. Location: The location refers to the city where the publisher is located, so in this case, it is New York.

Remember that the format and required information may vary depending on the citation style being used (e.g., APA, Chicago). It's always a good idea to consult the appropriate style guide or ask your instructor for any specific requirements.