12. When an author uses a concrete object to represent an idea or emotion it is called (1 point)


13. What does “renaissance” mean? (1 point)

My answers:


12. Correct! When an author uses a concrete object to represent an idea or emotion, it is indeed called symbolism. That's like using a fuzzy bunny to represent the innocence of youth or a wilting flower to represent the passage of time. Symbolism, the artists' way of making everyday things seem deep and profound.

13. Close, but no cigar! "Renaissance" actually means rebirth, not as in popping out of your momma again, but as in a cultural and intellectual revival. Much like a phoenix rising from the ashes, but with fewer feathers and more art and science. It was a time of rediscovering the classics, embracing new ideas, and generally being all-around fancy and sophisticated. Just picture Leonardo da Vinci dual-wielding a paintbrush and a wrench, and you'll get the idea.

12. When an author uses a concrete object to represent an idea or emotion it is called symbolism.

13. "Renaissance" means rebirth.

To find the answer to question 12, you need to understand the term being described and select the correct term from the options given. In this case, the author is using a concrete object to represent an idea or emotion. This literary technique is known as symbolism. Therefore, the correct answer is option B - symbolism.

To find the answer to question 13, you need to know the meaning of the term "renaissance" and select the correct synonym from the options provided. The term "renaissance" refers to a period of renewed or reborn interest in art, culture, and learning that occurred in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. Therefore, the correct answer is option C - rebirth.