on a grid paper, i have to draw 3 different triangles with 12 centimeter square, but how?

To draw three different triangles with an area of 12 square centimeters on grid paper, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a grid on your paper with evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines.

2. Determine the base and height of your first triangle. Keep in mind that the area of a triangle is calculated by multiplying the base by the height and halving the result (A = 0.5 * base * height).

3. Choose a base length for your first triangle. For example, let's say the base is 6 centimeters.

4. Determine the corresponding height for your triangle. Since the area is 12 square centimeters, you can calculate the height by dividing twice the area by the base: height = (2 * area) / base. In this case, the height would be (2 * 12) / 6 = 4 centimeters.

5. Mark the base and the corresponding height on the grid paper using a ruler. Connect the points to form a diagonal line, and complete the triangle by connecting the two endpoints of the base with a straight line.

6. To draw a second triangle, repeat steps 3 to 5 with different dimensions. For instance, you could choose a base of 3 centimeters and calculate the height as (2 * 12) / 3 = 8 centimeters.

7. Lastly, draw a third triangle using yet another set of base and height measurements following the same procedure as before.

Remember to label each triangle and indicate its dimensions for clarity.